

Texas, full of inspirations

※日本語の後に英語版が続きます。English follows Japanese.

2014年11月、テキサス州オースティンとヒューストンに友人5人と旅行する機会がありました。オースティンでは、米国でのお食事映画館の先駆け「Alamo Drafthouse」(*1)へ。『バードマン あるいは(無知がもたらす予期せぬ奇跡)』(*2)を鑑賞しました。ピザを頼んだのですが、上映開始直後から物語に引き込まれ、最後まで食事を楽しむ隙は一切無し。お食事と映画の相性を見誤ってしまい、冷えて乾燥したピザに申し訳ない気持ちでいっぱいでした。


続くヒューストンでは、ライス大学にあるジェームズ・タレルの作品「”Twilight Epiphany” Skyspace」(*4)で言葉を失う美しさの黄昏時を体験。徐々に変化する空の色が、ゆっくりと非日常にいざない、またゆっくりと日常に戻してくれ、映画館も映画が終わった途端に日常に引き戻されるのではなくて、体験のグラデーションがあると素敵だなぁ、と思いました。

夜にはビールとホットドッグが名物の質素な野外バー「Moon Tower Inn」(*5)へ。焚火の向こうに張られたスクリーンでは『ゴースト・バスターズ』(*6)を上映中でしたが、『ブロークバック・マウンテン』(*7)を見たらどうだろうか、と思いを馳せ、どこかに行くたび、どんな映画作品が合うか、想像を巡らせる楽しみが癖になっていきました。

少しずつ「映画のストーリーに応じて移動する映画館」というアイディアが固まってゆき、周りの映画好きの友人に「楽しいかな?」と相談すると、ロンドン出身の友人が「Secret Cinema」(*8)というイベントを教えてくれました。不定期に開催され、作品毎に場所を移動し、会場・スタッフ丸ごと映画の世界観にしてしまうサーカスのような試みです。世界に同じような楽しみを持った人がいると知り、アイディアを肯定してもらった気持ちでした。

また別の友人は「Rio Theater」(*9)という北カリフォルニアのミニシアターを教えてくれました。ここは、上映ソフトがデジタルに切り替わる際、機材を買い替える資金がなく、閉鎖しかけたところ、クラウド・ファンディングで支援を得て、今では季節に応じたイベントや上映会を行い、地元以外の人も訪ねてくる観光地になっているそうです。映画に会いに行く際の高揚感は、映画館という「目的地」があってこそ。ただ、高性能化する上映設備の裏で、資金力に限界のあるミニシアターが世界中で追い込まれていることも事実。ストリーミング・サービスのおかげで、誰もが何時でもどこでも映画を楽しめる時代。映画館も、もっと自由になれるのではないか。「移動式の映画館」は、映画館を不動産から「動産」化して、且つ固定資産・費用から解放するようなヒントになるかもしれない、とも考えました。

それぞれの映画のストーリーにあった場所を選ぶ移動式映画館のアイディア。ふと、もともと好きだった「moonbow」がこのアイディアにぴったりだと思い、「moonbow cinema」という名前を決めました。moonbowは、満月が夜空に映し出す月虹のことです。「条件があった時にだけ現れる」という性質に加え、まるで夜空が銀幕、映写機が満月、そして映し出される映画がmoonbowのようだと思ったのです。


During Thanksgiving break in 2014, I visited Austin and Houston with my friends. In Austin, we visited Alamo Drafthouse (*1), the pioneer of dining theaters. We saw Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)(*2) and ordered pizza. However, we were hooked by the story from the beginning and did not have any chance to enjoy dining. After the film, I felt sorry for cold and dried pizza. The dining experience did not went well with the movie this time.

At our house where we found on Airbnb in Austin, there was a hot tub in the backyard. We brought a laptop and a Bluetooth speaker to see a horror film, Sinister(*3). The water was warm as we were able to stay for two hours, while the cold autumn wind touched our face and dogs were barking in the neighborhood. The atmosphere definitely accelerated our horror experience. It was a good match between story and location. I thought that if movie theaters could move the location based on the story of each film, the experience would be a special one. Once there are a set of screen, projector and speaker, everywhere could be a movie theater.

In Houston, we visited James Turrell’s Twilight Epiphany Skyspace(*4) in Rice University. It was the most beautiful twilight I had ever experienced. The sky color’s smooth and slow change helped audience to gradually focus on the extraordinary experience without sudden ending. I thought that it would be nice if the movie theaters could also provide the layers of experience between films and real world.

In the evening, we chilled out at Moon Tower Inn (*5), a simple outside bar with beer and hot dog. We sat around the bonfire. While we saw Ghostbusters (*6) on the screen, I imagined that Brokeback Mountain (*7) would fit to this location. Wherever I go, I enjoy so much to imagine which movie fits most.

As my idea of movie theaters became clearer, I started sharing it with my friends to ask for their feedback. One from London told me about Secret Cinema (*8). This event sounds like a circus. The location is kept secret until the last moment. The venue and staff are completely decorated as the world of the movie. I felt very positive about my idea by knowing that there were people who enjoyed similar ideas.

Another friend shared a story of Rio Theater (*9) in North California. That independent theater was once in danger of closure due to the lack of funding to purchase new digital equipment. They successfully run a campaign on Kickstarter and now the theater became a destination for visitors by its special events. This example shows that movie theaters provide us opportunities to visit stories as destinations. On the other hand, it is true that many independent movie theaters are having tough time due to more and more expensive equipment as technology advances. Technology such as VOD enables individuals to see a favorite film wherever and whenever we want. The movie theaters should also get more freedom. I’m hoping that by organizing a screening event that changes location every time, I might find out a way to make movie theaters less capital intensive business with less tangible assets and fixed cost.

I named the movie theater as moonbow cinema. A moonbow is a lunar rainbow that appears on the night sky by the full moon. The rareness of meeting all conditions well aligned with the concept of matching the story and location. More importantly, I see that the night sky is a like a screen, full moon is like a projector and moonbow is like a movie.

I moved from U.S. to Tokyo in July 2015. The calendar showed that Sunday, September 27th was a full moon. I decided to try moonbow cinema for the first time on that day and started preparation.  (To be continued.)


Alamo Drafthouse Lakeline
14028 U.S. 183, Austin, TX 78717, USA
『バードマン あるいは(無知がもたらす予期せぬ奇跡)


Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
(2014, USA)
Director: Alejandro González Iñárritu
Riggan Thomson, a faded Hollywood actor best known for playing the superhero “Birdman”, struggles to mount a Broadway adaptation of a short story by Raymond Carver.
This film won 87th Academy Award for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay and Best Cinematography.


(2012, USA)
Director: Scott Derrickson
True-crime writer who is in a slump moved to a new house with his wife and children. The new house has a mysterious background and the family faces unrealistic events.

“Twilight Epiphany” Skyspace
Rice University, 6100 Main St, Houston, TX 77005, USA

Moon Tower Inn
3004 Canal St, Houston, TX 77003, USA


(1984, USA)
Director: Ivan Reitman
After the members of a team of male scientists lose their positions at a university in New York City, they decide to become “ghostbusters” to battle with the supernatural. The film was rebooted with all female characters in 2016.


Brokeback Mountain
(2005, USA)
Director: Ang Lee
The story about a forbidden and secretive relationship between two cowboys, and their lives over the years. This film won 78th Academy Award for Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Original Score.

Secret Cinema

Rio Theater
20396 Bohemian Highway, Monte Rio, CA 95462

text & photo


移動式の映画館『moonbow cinema』を主催

Mizuki Ikura

Founder, moonbow cinema

moonbow cinema ビジュアルデザイン:aya(グラフィックデザイナー)

moonbow cinema images designed aya, Graphic Designer