

Never Let Me Go

※日本語の後に英語版が続きます。English follows Japanese.

第1回moonbow cinema上映会としてカズオ・イシグロ原作『わたしを離さないで』(*1)を川沿いの10°カフェ(*2)で上映することを決め、次は皆さまに開催をお知らせする番です。誕生したばかりのmoonbow cinemaが怪しい団体と勘違いされたりしないよう、きちんとした、思わず欲しくなる葉書サイズのご案内状をグラフィック・デザイナーのayaさんがデザインして下さいました。

お知らせの中心はインターネット。特に効果があったのはツイッターでした。moonbow cinemaのアカウント開設に加えて、いつも自分が上映情報収集に活用している「関東名画座・特集上映情報BOT」@meiga_zaにダイレクト・メッセージで告知をお願いしてみたところ、ご快諾頂きました。お陰様で元々フォローしていた映画好きの方が、『わたしを離さないで』上映会についてツイートしているのを発見したこともありました。


上映会当日に向け、前週末の昼下がり、スクリーンやプロジェクター、音響の設定確認のためにayaさんと共に10°カフェを訪問。会場に入ってびっくり、なんと窓に暗幕がついていないことに気付きました!会場決定前に訪問したのは日が暮れてからだったので、すっかり見逃していたようです。その足で新宿のユザワヤに行き、黒い厚手の布を大量に購入しました。moonbow cinema備品の誕生です。


上映後、川の上には満月が美しく、それも手伝ってかご来場者の方からは好意的な反応も。特に学生さんからは「大画面で安価にみられる機会がうれしい」とのコメントが。自宅にテレビもなく、普段はスマートフォンか、大きくてもパソコン画面で動画を見ている方が増えているからこそ、イベントとして楽しんでいただけるのかと。moonbow cinemaを続けられる実感がわきました。

ご来場者にお渡ししたミニ・パンフレットには、「次回は12月開催予定」と印字。moonbow cinemaを続けるために、自分を縛る目的で敢えて記載しました。第1回目をなんとか終え、次はmoonbow cinema構想段階からアイディアとして温めていた作品×会場に挑戦します。(つづく)

It’s time for  announcing the first screening of moonbow cinema, Never Let Me Go (*1) at 10°café (*2) along the river. Since nobody knew about us yet, aya, a graphic designer, created a beautiful card to communicate our event and vision appropriately.

I visited independent movie theaters in Tokyo to ask for distributing our cards. I was nervous because it was the first time for me to go to movie theaters not for watching movies. Each movie theater reacted differently. The most supportive theater was Uplink (*3) in Shibuya. A person at box office accepted my request by simply saying “Of course!” I was so glad to be welcomed in such a positive way that later I tried to collaborate more with Uplink.

The most powerful media was through Internet, specifically Twitter. After setting up a moonbow cinema account, I asked @meiga_za, an account that announces special screening events to its more than 30 thousand followers, to tweet about moonbow cinema event. The account owner was very kind to tweet. As a result, I saw an account of movie buff tweeting about Never Let Me Go screening.

Soon after starting the announcement, some contacted how they were able to reserve their seats. I had never expected receiving such requests because if one person came, it’s fine as the first trial. I started accepting reservation by emails. Surprisingly, it became full. I realized the impact of Never Let Me Go itself helping moonbow cinema to invite audience.

Aya and I decided to create a mini-brochure for the audience hoping that everyone was able to expand the choice of films after the event. We listed films created by production members and cast of Never Let Me Go. Especially I tried to include films not shown in Japan yet because a few month before I was excited by Ex-Machina (*4) directed by Alex Garland, who wrote a screenplay for Never Let Me Go.

A week before the event, aya and I visited the location to test setting of screen, projector and sound. We arrived in the early afternoon and were not able to believe our eyes. There was no curtain on the windows! It was after a sunset when I first visited and selected this location therefore I did not pay attention to curtains. We went to a craft store to buy thick black cloth. It was the first equipment I bought sorely for moonbow cinema.

On the day of the event, we could not finish setting up curtains on-time and there was a long line outside the location. Before the screening, I gave a short greeting to audience saying that it was our first trial as an excuse for our slow operation.

After the screening, there was a beautiful full moon on the river outside the location. I think this view somewhat helped audience to give us positive feedback. A group of students told us that they were so happy to have an opportunity to see movie in a big screen in cheap price. I realized that since more and more people watch videos on their smart phones or computers, there are demands for events like moonbow cinema. I felt positive about continuing moonbow cinema.

I printed on the mini-brochure that our next screening was in December, 2015. It was for pushing myself to continue moonbow cinema. After I finished the first screening positively, I decided to organize the combination of a film and a location that dreamed since the early timing of moonbow cinema preparation.(To be continued.)



Never Let Me Go (2010, UK)
Original novel: “Never Let Me Go” by Kazuo Ishiguro
Director: Mark Romanek
Screenplay: Alex Garland
Cast: Carey Mulligan, Andrew Garfield, Keira Knightley


10 do café
12-3, 3-chome, Takada, Toyoshima-ku, Tokyo


37-18 Udagawacho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan


Ex_Machina (2014, UK)
Screenplay and Director: Alex Garland
Cast: Domhnall Gleeson, Alicia Vikander, Oscar Isaac

text & photo


移動式の映画館『moonbow cinema』を主催

Mizuki Ikura

Founder, moonbow cinema

moonbow cinema ビジュアルデザイン:aya(グラフィックデザイナー)

moonbow cinema images designed aya, Graphic Designer