Cinema on the planet

002 – Rieko

Part 2: Guide to the Egyptian Theatre



I introduced the history of the Egyptian Theatre previously. This time I’d like to offer a practical guide to visiting the theater.


HWY101ハリウッドフリーウェイをHollywood Blvdで降りて西側(左折)へ。ヘンリー・フォンダのフォンダ・シアターを横目に通り過ぎ、さらにパンテージ・シアターを通り過ぎて進みます。サイエントロジーの大きな看板が見えたらエジプシャン・シアターの看板が手前に見えてくるので、その手前のLa Palmaで左折。半ブロック進むとおすすめの駐車場が右手に出てきます。

How to get there from the HWY101 Hollywood Blvd Exit, since this is common route:
Drive west on Hollywood Blvd. Pass Henry Fonda’s Fonda Theatre and the famous Pantages Theater. Continue driving a few more blocks, and you’ll see the Egyptian Theatre sign along with the big Scientology sign in the back. Then turn left at La Palma Avenue, and you’ll find my favorite parking lot just behind the theater.


パーキング:1ブロック先のHollywood/Highlandのモールの立体駐車場を利用する他、劇場真裏の屋外駐車場($10)が便利。ハリウッド通り沿いからLa Palmaを南へ曲がると右手にすぐに出てきます。ここに停めると、駐車場から劇場の敷地に裏側から直接入ることができて近道です。ハリウッドの観光客目当ての客引きや、宗教の勧誘に関わる必要が無いのでとってもおすすめです。2時間のパーキングメーターもありますが、駐車違反チケットは高い昨今なのでお気をつけて。

Parking: Other than using the Hollywood/Highland shopping mall parking structure (I know some people are more comfortable there), I highly recommend the parking lot at the back of Egyptian Theatre ($10). If you park there, you can avoid Hollywood Blvd with its peddlers and crowds by entering through a narrow corridor between the side of the theater and the Arena Theater next door. There are 2-hour parking meters on the street too, but be careful as it’s easy to get a ticket.



Go through the gate on the left hand side,



Walk through this narrow path to the end…



Then you will be here! To the Side of the box office.



The view from the front gate entrance on Hollywood Blvd.



Toward the left is a juice bar (for now, anyway… stores change so quickly in Hollywood), I buy snacks here when I don’t feel like popcorn or candy.



“Book of Sirius” in the courtyard.



Go back toward the main glass doors after your ticket is taken, and you’ll find the main theater, “The Lloyd E. Rigler Theatre”.



You can go straight through the main theater entrance doors, but you can also go from the side corridor…just for fun.



Feeling like an explorer trying to find Pharaoh’s tomb (your full imagination required).



Then, voilà!



The beautiful “Sun burst” decoration on the ceiling is preserved in all its glory!




The size of the screen is enormous. Watching an epic like Lawrence of Arabia or Ben-Hur is ideal for this screen, I have to think. And it makes for a perfect premiere, giving any new movie a most gorgeous “Hollywood-feel” in the classical sense.

One thing I noticed however, was when I sat in my usual location in the third row, dead center. I prefer this seat in most theaters since it allows me to focus on the movie itself without any distractions from the screen. But in the case of the Egyptian Theatre, the screen looked way too angled. I had to watch the tilted screen for a whole movie. Since then I sit farther back, realizing the screen is so big it doesn’t matter how far back I sit.



I have many memorable film going moments at the Egyptian. At a Jacques Tati retrospective screening of Mon Oncle I saw a Japanese woman, her American husband, their kids and friends enjoying snacks near my seat before the show. When I overheard the Japanese woman telling the others about Jacques Tati, I realized Tati is much more popular in Japan than in America, appealing to a broader audience there. I would not have realized this if I were sitting eagerly in the front seat by myself. It brought a warm smile to my face, knowing someone is handing down Mon Oncle to their kids.



Now, please enjoy watching a movie in this beautiful theater!


Grauman’s Egyptian Theatre

6712 Hollywood Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90028 U.S.A.

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Cinema Studio 28 Tokyo Los Angeles branch
Currently reading “Raise High The Roof Beam, Carpenters” because I heard it’s Emma Stone’s favorite book.

Cinema Studio 28 Tokyo Los Angeles支部