Cinema Studio 28 Tokyo執筆陣、スタッフのために1人ずつhPark 古川博規さんにトートバッグを仕立てていただくCinema Tote Project。製作の流れを掴むために、まずサンプルとして私自身のトートを仕立てていただくことに。ずらりと並べた素材見本の中から、薄手のリネンを選択。
The Cinema Tote Project is to make customized tote bags for each contributor to Cinema Studio 28. To understand the workflow, I decided to first make my own as a sample. To begin the project, I selected sheer linen from a pile of possible materials.
This linen is smooth and less fibrous, unlike the rough and naturalistic texture usually associated with the word “Linen.” The good selection of colors was nice too. My taste and Mr. Furukawa’s vision were the lead factors for selection at this time, but as the project goes on we may add different materials like cotton or nylon later.
The design process came next. I listed the priorities of what I wanted for my bag and took dimensions of the belongings I would put in it to solidify the image concept.
映画祭で台北を旅した時に使ったマチのないサコッシュが便利ながら、もう少しサイズが大きければ…と考えていました。映画館や映画祭に行く時やCinema Studio 28 Tokyoの打ち合わせでPCを持ち出す時にも使えるサイズで、ファスナーでしっかり中身を保護でき、両手がフリーになり、なで肩の私にも優しいショルダータイプ、マチのないサコッシュに決定。普段の洋服に合うよう色は黒。
The tote bag I used at the film festival in Taipei was a flat crossbody without a gusset. Though very useful, I wished it was a little bigger. Inspired by this experience, I decided the bag needed to be large enough to fit a laptop for Cinema Studio 28 Tokyo meetings, and of course for movie theaters and film festivals. The fastener would secure the content. The design should leave both of my arms free and perfectly fit my narrow shoulders. I finally decided on a large size crossbody for my tote bag without gusset. The color would be black to match my outfits.
I closely checked the sample design to see if I wanted some adjustments. After finalizing the design, Mr. Furukawa picked up the linen I chose to finally start making the tote bag.
We went back and forth on tiny details like whether to have fitting or pocket, how to position the strap on the bag, details of the fastener’s spec, etc… Soon after, the bag was finally completed!
Take a peek at the production process. Mr. Furukawa sent me a photo of the fabric as it’s being prepared. The process involves carefully refinishing the linen’s warp and woof yarns to prevent distortion. The thin material and gusset-less design makes the bag easy to fold and carry inside of a traveling bag yet retains the linen’s strength.
The parts chosen for the tote bag are a fastener, a buckle to adjust the strap length, both in black, a hang-tag and a tag for Mr. Furukawa’s brand “hPark”
Then the golden penguin which I searched long and hard for, flew across the sea from Turkey to take its place on the tote!
I plan on placing the penguins discreetly inside each and every tote.
I admired the beauty of the bag itself that we had designed, but one important step remained: to add a cinematic element.
私は “How would Lubitsch do it?” と、刺繍で加えることにしました。エルンスト・ルビッチの弟子であるビリー・ワイルダーが、書斎の目につく場所に額装して飾り、脚本が進まない時に見上げては、師匠と自分に問いかけていた言葉…「ルビッチならどうする?」。怒りを怒りとして表明しそうな時、美しさを「美しい」と表現してしまいそうな時、ルビッチのような魔法は使えないけれど、何かしら遠回しで粋な方法はないものかと、私も真似をして自分に問いかけることがあります。「ルビッチならどうする?」と。
I decided to have Billy Wilder’s quote “How would Lubitsch do it?” embroidered on my tote bag. Wilder, who was a disciple of Ernst Lubitsch, placed a sign with this question on his office wall where he could look up during times of writer’s block and ponder what his master would do.
Though I don’t possess the Lubitsch Touch, I too sometimes ask myself, when anger is expressed as anger and beauty is just spelled out as beauty, if there’s a more indirect and sophisticated way to express what I mean to say: “How would Lubitsch do it?”
I found a photo of the picture frame that was on Wilder’s wall and sent it to the embroidery craftsman in Sudacho town in Kanda, whom Mr. Furukawa introduced to me.
The embroidery craftsman is a dashing, festival-loving true blood Tokyoite (called Edokko) who has mastered the skill of embroidering offhand without using any trace. Since I didn’t want my bag to be flashy, I ordered the embroidery to be inside on the fastener flap rather than on the surface. He did his job perfectly. The white thread on black fabric is a homage to Lubitsch’s Black & White films.
かくして完成した私のCinema Tote! 例えば、こんなものが入ります。
This is how my tote bag turned out! It can contain something like this:
There are three deep pockets inside. It’s convenient when you reach for something, like a chocolate in a dark movie theater, for example.
The embroidery is hidden inside like a secret in Lubitsch’s films. The surface of the bag is simple and plain. It might even be nice to decorate it with a charm.
I’m very satisfied with my own tote bag, and understand the workflow as well. Now that I’m ready, the next step is to take orders from contributors for their own tote bag. As the bags are made one by one, each preferred design will be introduced here. The project will begin with our staff.
《Mariko’s Cinema Tote info》
Serial No. 000
For : Mariko Tsujimoto (Owner of Cinema Studio 28 Tokyo)
Size: W450/H350(mm)
Color: Black
Material: 100% Linen
Cinematic element:“How would Lubitsch do it?”