12月28日、映画の誕生日に開館したCinema Studio 28 Tokyoは本日、1周年を迎えました。執筆陣、スタッフ、取材にご協力いただいた皆様、日本や世界のあちこちの街でお読みいただいた皆様、本当にありがとうございました。
I’d like to celebrate the 1st anniversary of Cinema Studio 28 Tokyo on December 28th, the birthday of Cinema. I’d like to express my appreciation to the writers, the staff, everyone who gave kind support at interviews and our readers in Japan and elsewhere in the world.
それぞれが本業で慌ただしい日々を送る中、貴重な時間をCinema Studio 28 Tokyoに割いてくださっている執筆陣やスタッフに、ささやかながら感謝の気持ちを伝えられるものがあれば、と考えていました。
I kept wondering how I can show my gratitude to all those who give their valuable time for Cinema Studio 28 Tokyo, while being busy at their main job.
I came up with the idea of a tote bag as a gift. We’ve seen a lot of them for movie promotions or film festival merchandises, but rarely with the quality that is suitable for grown-ups. Some are made with material that is too thin, become unusable after just one wash…
それならば、欲しいものを作ってもらうのはどうだろう? 幸い、執筆陣には連載「生活の設計」で洋服を仕立ててくださっている古川博規さんもいらっしゃることだし、ひとまず相談してみることに。
If that’s the case, why don’t I make the one I want? Luckily, there is a tailor among our writers, Mr. Hiroki Furukawa who contributes to “Design for Living” series. So I started to discuss with him.
Cinema Studio 28 Tokyoの執筆陣、スタッフは、映画を観る視点や好きな映画、職業、洋服の好み、見事にみんなバラバラです。デザインや仕様に凝ったものを作ったとしても、同じものを量産して配るのは、私たちらしくない。一人ずつ、好きな色やサイズを選び、必ず映画の要素を加えることを条件にして、トートバッグを仕立ててもらえるなら、気に入って長く使ってもらえるかもしれないし、どうしてそれを選んだの?って尋ねるだけで、映画にまつわるこだわりやユニークなエピソードを聞けそう!
All the writers and staff have completely different tastes: their view on films, favorite films, their occupations and personal styles are all very unique to one another. Even if I come up with elaborated design and spec, to mass produce the same design wouldn’t fit to how we are. If each of them could pick a color and a size, add some motifs from their favorite film to make one and only design, it might become their favorite to be carried around for a long time. As a bonus, I may be able to collect unique stories about movies!
僅かなロットで発注でき、色のバリエーションが多い生地を古川さんに探していただき、素材見本を並べて生地選びからCinema Tote Project、スタート。
Mr. Furukawa found the material with wide variety of color, that can be ordered by a small lot. By selecting the material from sample, our Cinema Tote Project has begun.
製作の流れを掴むために、まずサンプルとして私自身のトートを仕立てていただくことに。けれど、それはあくまで私の一例。同じ生地でも色やサイズが違えば印象も変わり、映画の要素も様々な表現が生まれるでしょう。Cinema Tote Project、どうぞお楽しみに!
To grasp the production flow, I will make a tote for myself as a sample. However, it will only be an example – There will be so many distinctive designs with a good variety of expressions. Please look forward to Cinema Tote Project!