彼方から (甘い便り

Happy Hour from Kyoto

– When the Cat’s Away –







それから、音楽がいい!ソファの上を漂うショパンに、夜の街で出くわすラテン音楽、煙たいクラブでかかる仏ヒップホップに、コインランドリーのシーン×ハードコアテクノの組み合わせ、そして最高に爽快なラストとともに滑り出す、まさかのPortishead “Glory Box(=めちゃくちゃ暗い歌だよ

そう、そのラストというのが引っ越しの場面なのですが、これが大変そう&わけもなく楽しそう!古い建物だから当然エレベーターもなくて、みんなでえっちらおっちら家具や荷物を運んだり、油を売ってたしなめられたり…。で、大きなマットレスを運び出すところでわたしの頭にいつも浮かぶのがこのお菓子。百万遍 かぎや政秋「益壽糖です。一体これはどうやって説明したらいいのか、そうだなあ〜「和製ギモーヴと言うとわかりやすいかも!ふわふわ、もっちり、とろ~ん…とにかく、不思議な食感をしたお菓子です。その秘密は、求肥にたっぷり練り込んだメレンゲ。つまり、製法的にもギモーヴに近いんです。そこに濃厚なシナモンの香りとクルミの実の芳ばしい風味が加わって、なんともエキゾチックな魅力放つ逸品に!こんなお菓子が、少なくとも100年前には作られていたというから、京菓子の斬新さには本当に驚かされます。



The movie I’m going to introduce you shows a glimpse of ordinary life in 1996 in the city…. Paris.


Ahh! Eiffel tour! Arc de Triomphe! Parisienne! “Lessons from Madame Chic”!(*1) Yeeeesssss!

Wait, wait, calm down! None of these things appear in this movie. On top of that, there aren’t many appearances by the cat either; it’s missing anyway. What it does show is the ordinary people of Bastille, located in downtown Paris, illustrating the diversity of nationalities, cultures, and generations.

The main character Chloé is a makeup artist who looks for a caretaker for her beloved cat Gris-Gris while she’s away on her first vacation in nearly three years. Both her gay roommate and her apartment’s property manager turn her down. Finally, Madame Renée, the crazy and lovable old cat lady, offers to take care of her cat. However, when she returns from vacation, Gris-Gris is missing! So, the big search begins, utilizing everyone in her neighborhood’s network.

So that’s roughly how the story goes. What I like first is Chloé’s simple look! She’s pale and skinny, always looking helpless. She hasn’t had a boyfriend in a very long time, and when she’s dresses up to the nines to go out clubbing, she ends up getting picked up by a guy who is a total nuisance, making her cry… Alas! But there’s this charm that makes me can’t take my eyes off her. The neighbors also have lonely, complicated lives of their own, but I love all of them too: the unpopular one, the simpleton, the sexual minorities, the immigrants, and the single elderlies. The generosity of this town tolerates anybody, warms my heart.

The music is good too! Chopin playing in the living room air, Latin music on the streets at night, French hip hop blasting at a smoky nightclub, hardcore techno at a coin laundry, and the surprising use of Portishead’s darkest song “Glory Box” during the exhilarating final scene!

That last scene involves a house moving. It looks so hard, but it seems like a lot of fun for some reason. There’s no elevator in the old building, so everyone has to put in so much of an effort to move furniture and boxes, while chatting and being told not to, and so on.

Every time I watch the scene where they move a big mattress, this particular sweet comes to my mind: Ekiju-tou from Kagiya-Masaaki. How can I explain this sweet? Let’s see… “Japanese Marshmallow” might be the best way to describe it. It’s fluffy, chewy, and soft… a strangely textured sweet. The secret is a lot of meringue kneaded into soft mochi. Yes, the process of making it is similar to the marshmallow as well. Then, aromatic cinnamon and savory walnuts are added to finish off this masterpiece that has an exotic allure! And it was first sold more than a hundred years ago. Kyoto confectionary always truly amazes me with its uniqueness.

Returning to the mattress scene. They move it by completely folding it in half, as the mattress lacks tautness and is incredibly squishy! This image looks exactly like Ekiju-tou when it is folded in half! The scene only lasts a second, but that shape of the mattress is stuck in my head! Does this happen to you too?

I’d recommend this movie to everyone, but the DVD is out of print and no theaters seem to play this movie in Japan. So, I’ve only been able to watch this on VHS, which I bought from a sales bin at a rental store, playing it over and over, carefully because it’s about to wear out! In the age of streaming, I hope there’s more of a chance that this movie can be seen.

*1. “Lessons from Madame Chic” by Jennifer L. Scott. It became a bestseller in Japan.

Kyo-gashi information

百万遍 かぎや政秋

Hyakumanben kagiya Masaaki
1 Yoshidaizumidono-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto

movie information


When the Cat’s Away
Cédric Klapisch

text & design

いこ  /   iqco



Since I re-watched this film, I’ve been into 90’s hardcore techno!

English translation

Cinema Studio 28 Tokyo Los  Angeles branch