


※日本語の後に英語版が続きます。English follows Japanese.

2015年12月開催の第2回moonbow cinemaのテーマとして真っ先に思い付いたのは、クリストファー・ノーラン監督『インターステラー』(*1)を宇宙につながる場所で上映することでした。

moonbow cinemaの構想を温めていた2014年秋、アメリカの田舎にある映画館で『インターステラー』を鑑賞。上映後、外に出ると空いっぱいの星空が広がっており、まだ映画の世界にいるような錯覚を覚えました。ちょうど友人たちにmoonbow cinemaの「映画のストーリーに合わせて上映場所を選ぶ移動式映画館」というコンセプトを相談し始めた時期だったので、作品と会場のマッチングとして「『インターステラー』をプラネタリウムで上映する」という例をよく用いていました。1年ほど温めたアイディアを、是非実現したいと思ったのです。





ツイッターで告知を開始してまもなく、『インターステラー』の人気の凄まじさを思い知りました。告知ツイートのリツイート/お気に入り通知が止まらずスマートフォンが鳴りっぱなしになったのです。『インターステラー』のおかげで、moonbow cinemaを多くの方に知って頂くきっかけとなりました。会場の大きさは約80名。moonbow cinemaとして後にも先にも最大の会場です。ご予約も埋まり、当日は大勢の方に問題なくお楽しみ頂けるか緊張しながら会場に向かいました。第1回の際は会場準備に失敗しましたが、今回は日本科学未来館の方に何から何までセットして頂き、幸い、非常にゆとりのある開催となりました。

当日ご参加頂いた方は、実に様々。お一人でお越し頂いた映画好きの方はもちろん、日本科学未来館からも告知して頂いたことで、お子さん、お孫さんと一緒の方も多くいらっしゃいました。この時、参加者の方から「映画の解説があったらありがたい」という感想を頂きました。現在でこそmoonbow cinemaでは上映前後に作品解説を行っておりますが、第1,2回は開催だけで精一杯、上映前に簡単にご挨拶する程度で終わっていました。上映終了後、ちょうど美しいトワイライトが窓の外に見えた時、moonbow cinemaは「ついてる!」と嬉しくなり、次回に向けた準備が更に楽しみになったことを覚えています。

年明け、moonbow cinema主宰者として初めて参加したサンダンス映画祭(*3)は、第3回moonbow cinemaに向けたヒント探しも兼ね、それまでとは少し違う視点で臨むことになります。(つづく)

The idea for the second moonbow cinema screening event was to show Interstellar (*1) directed by Christopher Nolan at somewhere related to space in December 2015.

Back in autumn 2014, I saw Interstellar in the suburban movie theater. When I left the theater, starts were so bright that I felt as if I had been still in the story. Around that time, I started to share the idea of moonbow cinema to my friends and used the matching of Interstellar and planetarium as an example of the event’s concept. Based on this experience, I thought it was the time to realize this initial idea.

In December, the air is clean and stars are bright in Tokyo. I chose December, Sunday 20th 2015 as the date of moonbow cinema because it was the closest Sunday to the winter solstice when we were able to spend the longest hours with stars.

As preparation, I spent most of the time for selecting location. I searched on the Internet and found The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (*2) in Odaiba, Tokyo. They rent the halls for the scientific events. I visited the museum to see the fit to moonbow cinema. The location seems perfect with the access by fully automated train Yurikamome, an open space with glass walls and the fact that the Director was Mamoru Mori, a former astronaut.

I wrote and corrected the application form many times to get the status of science event. After I finally submitted the form, I explained on the phone and emails to the administration office. Luckily, the person in charge of moonbow cinema was cooperative and finally I got the approval to rent the hall! Right after the location was fixed, I asked aya, a graphic designer, to design the brochure.

Through the announcement of the event, I was impressed by people’s love for Interstellar. Once I announced on Twitter, the notification of retweet/like did not stop. My smartphone was always ringing. Interstellar made moonbow cinema familiar to many movie buffs. The capacity of location was 80 seats, the biggest as moonbow cinema so far. The reservation became full before the date. I was a bit nervous whether everything was going well so that every attendee was able to enjoy the story. The first event was with full of troubles but this time, the staff of museum kindly did all setup so everything went smoothly.

Attendees were diversified. Since the museum announced the event, families with children and grandchildren joined as well as people who love movies. At the end of this screening, a few attendees told me that they would like to hear about behind-the-curtain stories of the film. Today, moonbow cinema gives presentation about the film before and after the screening. However, for the first and second events, I was fully occupied by the operational preparation and did not have the capability to talk about the film by my own words. When we finished the Interstellar event, there was beautiful twilight outside the museum and made me more excited to prepare for the next event.

In January 2016, I joined Sundance Film Festival (*3) again. This time my motivation was a bit different from previous years. I was looking for ideas to make moonbow cinema better. (To be continued.)



Interstellar  (2014, United States)
Director: Christopher Nolan
Writer: Christopher Nolan
Cast: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain


The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
2-3-6 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan


Sundance Film Festival
Independent film festival held in Park City, UT, in January

text & photo


移動式の映画館『moonbow cinema』を主催

Mizuki Ikura

Founder, moonbow cinema

moonbow cinema ビジュアルデザイン:aya(グラフィックデザイナー)

moonbow cinema images designed aya, Graphic Designer