Exit Through the Gift Shop
※日本語の後に英語版が続きます。English follows Japanese.
第4回 moonbow cinema を開催したのは2016年7月30日。暑さを吹き飛ばすような痛快な作品として、バンクシー(*1)監督のドキュメンタリー作品『イグジット・スルー・ザ・ギフトショップ』(*2)を上映しました。2011年夏の日本劇場公開時、渋谷シネマライズ(*3)で大爆笑し気分爽快になった記憶があり、心身共に涼しさが増すような上映会にすべく、会場選びを行いました。
4th moonbow cinema was held on July 30th, 2016, middle of summer in Tokyo. I selected a documentary film directed by Banksy (*1) , Exit Through the Gift Shop (*2) as a black comedy movie to beat the heat. When the film was released in theaters in Tokyo in summer 2011, I saw this film at Cinema Rise (*3) and laughed a ton. With my personal memory, I started looking for a location where participants would feel refreshed.
The location I selected is an old building where I felt the possibility of Banksy’s existence. The building was in the middle of Shibuya. Across the street there is Human Trust Cinema (*4) . On the ground floor of the building, there is a trendy cafe. Regardless of external environment, once you enter the building, you feel somehow intense atmosphere as if you were watched by ghost as walking down between metal doors.
To give small talk about the film, I did research about the film as well as Banksy himself. Earlier that year, I wrote an article about Ex Machina (*5) . The reaction to my article (*6) were more than expected. From this experience, I learned that to understand the timeline of movie’s production makes film and audience closer and do research with more passion. I consolidated events happened until the movie was nominated to 83rd Oscar with many articles on the web.
Through research, I learned that the filming of this movie was started in 1999, a few years before Banksy is known internationally. In 2007, a year before Lehman Brother’s collapse, a work by Banksy was sold by more than 2 million dollars, five times more than expected. Through these events, I started understanding how this movie oversee world’s reactions to Banksy and how he recognize and laugh about the world. The other interesting point I learned is the reaction in US when the film was premiered at Sundance Film Festival where Jared Leto and other industry celebrities attended personally.
After 4th moonbow cinema, I wrote another article about Seymour: An Introduction (*7) . Researching the background of this film taught me the flow of film festivals over a year. One of them was just approaching. I started to feel that I want to meet movies while world’s excitement is raising. I made decision to visit abroad for a film festival. (To be continued.)
an anonymous England-based artist
Exit Through the Gift Shop
(2010, US, UK)
Director: Banksy
Cinema Rise
(Closed on January 7th, 2016)
13-17, Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
渋谷区渋谷1-23-16 ココチビル7・8階
Human Trust Cinema Shibuya
7 and 8th floor, Cocoti building, 1-23-16,
Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Ex Machina
(2015, UK)
Director: Alex Garland
Cast: Domhnall Gleeson, Alicia Vikander,
Oscar Isaac, Sonoya Mizuno
an online article by moonbow cinema
about Ex Machina
(Japanese only)
Seymour: An Introduction
(2015, US)
Director: Ethan Hawke