※日本語の後に英語版が続きます。English follows Japanese.
2017年4月23日(日)、第6回 moonbow cinema として北野武監督『Dolls(ドールズ)』(*1)を 浅草公会堂(*2)で上映しました。
『Dolls(ドールズ)』を選んだきっかけは、同年1月の米国サンダンス映画祭(*3)。日本の長久允監督『そうして私たちはプールに金魚を、』(*4)短編グランプリ受賞に立会い、異国の雪国から日本の真夏を想ったことで moonbow cinema として初めて邦画を取り上げたいと考えました。季節はちょうど春。日本ならではの四季を描いた物語として真っ先に思い浮かんだのが『Dolls(ドールズ)』でした。
上映会場を探すにあたってのキーワードは「浅草」でした。北野監督に縁のある土地であることに加え、作品の主人公「つながり乞食」が実在した場所だからです。北野監督が浅草でエレベーターボーイをしていた時によく見かけた、毎日決まったコースを歩く男女が「つながり乞食」と呼ばれていたとか。「道行き」の出発点で作品を上映することで、moonbow cinema 参加者の皆さんに主人公たちとより近い視点でスクリーンに映る旅へ入り込んで頂ければと考えました。
次の第7回 moonbow cinema 開催は夏。涼を感じられるセッティングを模索します。(つづく)
On Sunday, April 23rd, 2017, moonbow cinema hosted 6th event featuring Dolls (*1) directed by Takeshi Kitano at Asakusa Public Hall (*2).
I chose Dolls based on my experience at Sundance Film Festival (*3) in January that year. By witnessing a Japanese short film And So We Put Goldfish in the Pool (*4) directed by Makoto Nagahisa winning Short Film Grand Jury Prize, I thought of a summer in Japan from a foreign country in the middle of winter. This experience gave me an idea to show a Japanese film at moonbow cinema for the first time. The next event is scheduled in spring. Dolls is the first choice as a story with images of four seasons in Japan.
Dolls begins with the performance of The Courier for Hell (*5) , a traditional Japanese puppet play written by Monzaemon Chikamatsu. Then the story follows two vagabonds, a man who betrayed his fiancee by a pressure from his parents and employer and a woman who was betrayed. They walk from cherry blossoms in full bloom to snowy winter mountain by connecting themselves by string. A man is performed by Hidetoshi Nishijima and a woman is by Miho Kanno. Costume designed by Yoji Yamamoto.
To look for a screening location, I focused on Asakusa area. In addition to the fact that Kitano built his career at Asakusa, the model of vagabonds existed there. Kitano told at an interview that when he worked at Asakusa as an elevator boy, he saw a couple called connected vagabonds walking a same route every day. My hope was that attendees of moonbow cinema will join the journey on the screen by positioning themselves closer to main characters by being at the birthplace of vagabonds.
The Asakusa Public Hall is next to Senso-ji. The main hall is with Hamamichi, a special route from a main stage for Kabuki, with 1,082 seats. There are smaller spaces available for rent, too. One of them is a Japanese style room with wooden floor used for Japanese traditional dancing lessons. To see a movie, guests take their shoes off to enter the room and sit on Japanese cushion mat, Zabuton. I decided to host a screening in this room because it seemed a perfect fit to the film opening with Japanese historical puppet play. To make the place comfortable for two hours of screening, I set low table in front of Zabuton so that guests can lean on and put two Zabuton per person.
Dolls is a film to highlight a beauty of nature by contrasting with human’s stupidity and sorrowful. I am curious how attendees who experienced the film in the evening of spring see nature and humanity after the event.
The next 7th moonbow cinema was held in summer. I looked for a setting to feel cool air. (To be continued.)
(2002, Japan)
Director, Writer and Editor: Takeshi Kitano
Costume: Yoji Yamamoto
Cast: Miho Kanno, Hidetoshi Nishijima, Tatsuya Mihashi,
Chieko Matsubara, Kyoko Fukada, Tsutomu Takeshige
Asakusa Public Hall
1-chōme-38-6 Asakusa, Taito City,
Tōkyō-to 111-0032, Japan
[moonbow cinemaによる2017年サンダンス映画祭現地レポート]
Sundance Film Festivalt
Independent film festival held in Park City,
UT, US in every January
作品(全編): https://vimeo.com/170127382
And So We Put Goldfish in the Pool.
(2017, Japan)
Director and Writer: Makoto Nagahisa
Cast: Hina Yukawa, Rina Matsuyama,
Marin Nishimoto, Reina Kikuchi and others
Full Film with English subtitle:
The Courier for Hell
Written by Monzaemon Chikamatsu